39 research outputs found

    Nocturnal Surface Urban Heat Island over Greater Cairo: Spatial Morphology, Temporal Trends and Links to Land-Atmosphere Influences

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    This study assesses the spatial and temporal characteristics of nighttime surface urban heat island (SUHI) effects over Greater Cairo: the largest metropolitan area in Africa. This study employed nighttime land surface temperature (LST) data at 1 km resolution from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua sensor for the period 2003–2019. We presented a new spatial anomaly algorithm, which allowed to define SUHI using the most anomalous hotspot and cold spot of LST for each time step over Greater Cairo between 2003 and 2019. Results demonstrate that although there is a significant increase in the spatial extent of SUHI over the past two decades, a significant decrease in the mean and maximum intensities of SUHI was noted. Moreover, we examined the dependency between SUHI characteristics and related factors that influence energy and heat fluxes between atmosphere and land in urban environments (e.g., surface albedo, vegetation cover, climate variability, and land cover/use changes). Results demonstrate that the decrease in the intensity of SUHI was mainly guided by a stronger warming in daytime and nighttime LST in the neighborhood of urban localities. This warming was accompanied by a decrease in surface albedo and diurnal temperature range (DTR) over these areas. Results of this study can provide guidance to local urban planners and decision-makers to adopt more effective mitigation strategies to diminish the negative impacts of urban warming on natural and human environments.</jats:p

    Redução da dor em mulheres com osteoporose submetidas a um programa de atividade física

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a dor e o consumo de analgésicos em mulheres com osteoporose, após a realização de um programa de atividade física. Participaram do estudo 15 mulheres com média de idade 59±7,6 anos, com diagnóstico densitométrico em L2-L4 de osteoporose e que haviam feito uso de analgésicos para dorsalgia pelo menos três vezes por semana no mês precedente à avaliação inicial. A dor foi avaliada por questões extraídas do Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire, aplicadas antes e após um programa de atividade física; o escore variou de 0 (melhor, sem dor) a 10 (pior, dor diária). O programa, que consistiu em caminhadas, exercícios livres de membros superiores e inferiores e relaxamento, foi realizado duas vezes por semana durante 28 semanas consecutivas. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente. Comparando-se as pontuações obtidas, a dor apresentou uma diminuição significativa entre a avaliação inicial (7,33±3,05) e final (4,17±2,61, p=0,0007). Observou-se também uma redução no consumo de analgésicos. Esses resultados sugerem que o programa de atividade física foi efetivo para a diminuição da dor, contribuindo para a melhora da qualidade de vida das mulheres com osteoporose.This paper aimed at evaluating the effect of a physical activity program onto the level of pain as perceived by women with osteoporosis. Fifteen women (mean age 59±7.6 years old) with bone-densitometry diagnosis of lumbar osteoporosis took part in the study; they all took analgesics at least thrice a week in the month prior to the study. Pain was assessed by questions extracted from the Osteoporosis Assessment Questionnaire both before and after the program; scores ranged from 0 (no pain) to 10 (pain everyday). The program consisted of walking, lower and upper limb free exercises, massage, and relaxation, twice a week, during 28 weeks. Data were statistically analysed. A significant decrease in pain was found after the program (from 7.33±3.05 to 4.17±2.61, p=0,0007), and a lesser use of analgesics was reported. These results suggest that the program of physical activity brought pain relief, thus contributing to improve quality of life of women with osteoporosis

    A Practical Guide to Rodent Islet Isolation and Assessment

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    Pancreatic islets of Langerhans secrete hormones that are vital to the regulation of blood glucose and are, therefore, a key focus of diabetes research. Purifying viable and functional islets from the pancreas for study is an intricate process. This review highlights the key elements involved with mouse and rat islet isolation, including choices of collagenase, the collagenase digestion process, purification of islets using a density gradient, and islet culture conditions. In addition, this paper reviews commonly used techniques for assessing islet viability and function, including visual assessment, fluorescent markers of cell death, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, and intracellular calcium measurements. A detailed protocol is also included that describes a common method for rodent islet isolation that our laboratory uses to obtain viable and functional mouse islets for in vitro study of islet function, beta-cell physiology, and in vivo rodent islet transplantation. The purpose of this review is to serve as a resource and foundation for successfully procuring and purifying high-quality islets for research purposes

    An Overview of Three Promising Mechanical, Optical, and Biochemical Engineering Approaches to Improve Selective Photothermolysis of Refractory Port Wine Stains

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    During the last three decades, several laser systems, ancillary technologies, and treatment modalities have been developed for the treatment of port wine stains (PWSs). However, approximately half of the PWS patient population responds suboptimally to laser treatment. Consequently, novel treatment modalities and therapeutic techniques/strategies are required to improve PWS treatment efficacy. This overview therefore focuses on three distinct experimental approaches for the optimization of PWS laser treatment. The approaches are addressed from the perspective of mechanical engineering (the use of local hypobaric pressure to induce vasodilation in the laser-irradiated dermal microcirculation), optical engineering (laser-speckle imaging of post-treatment flow in laser-treated PWS skin), and biochemical engineering (light- and heat-activatable liposomal drug delivery systems to enhance the extent of post-irradiation vascular occlusion)

    Physikalische und morphologische Grundlagen der Abscheidung von Fullerenen Abschlussbericht

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    The epitaxial growth of pure C_6_0 on mica was investigated. The transition form an island growth to a layer growth was observed. The conductance of the epitaxially grown fullerene films on doping with potassium increased by at least four orders of magnitude. The conductance of the superconducting phase K_3C_6_0 was 70% higher than the literature value which was due to the high crystalline quality of the film. The stability of this phase was investigated. The deposition of amorphous carbon films using C_6_0 ions was optimised for the sp&quot;3 component and the production of cover films. These cover films were deposited on potassium doped films and their efficiency as an airtight covering was determined. The results showed that exposing the doped films to energetic C_6_0 ions was only partly successful in producing airtight cover films. Laser desorption of fullerene films using ns and ps lasers was investigated under UHV-conditions using time-of-flight mass spectrometry and emission spectroscopy. The desorption process is mainly thermal. The temperature of the desorbed molecules was determined and the coalescence mechanism investigated. The nucleation of diamond films via CH_x&quot;+ ion bombardment of a C_7_0 thin film was investigated by the contract partners (Busmann, FhG IFAM). By careful choice of the film thickness and other parameters, a nucleation density of 10&quot;1&quot;2 cm&quot;-&quot;2 could be reached. This value is considerable larger than that achieved by other methods. The crystallites obtained are smaller and have a narrower size distribution than those obtained by other means. Raman spectra recorded for various stages of the growth indicate that the diamond nucleation takes place on an amorphous carbon film produced by the plasma interaction with the C_7_0 film. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F95B1321+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman